DeTour Village Sexton
DeTour Village maintains this wooded cemetery on behalf of our residents. Located 3 miles west of town out South Caribou Lake Rd ("The South Road"), this simple, quiet graveyard offers comfort to our local community. This land was given to DeTour Village by Jacob E. Schopp and Charles A. McSpadden, and accepted by the Village in 1938. Maple Grove Cemetery is our only active cemetery, and is maintained by DeTour Village. MAP of Maple Grove Cemetery.
Riverside Cemetery
of Closed Graveyards
Maple Grove Cemetery
Just south of the corner of Erie and Francis Streets in DeTour Village, Riverside Cemetary is our oldest graveyard in town, dating back to the late 1800's. Though there are many graves without markers, the earliest on record is of Alfred E. Sims,1864 - 1866.
The resting place is approximately two blocks long, and boasts one of the nicest views of DeTour Reef Lighthouse. Walking through this calming niche, you will see grave markers identifying many founding families of DeTour Village. Riverside was closed to burials in 1959.
This graveyard is maintained by DeTour Village.
Bob Hill Cemetery is one of five small cemeteries in DeTour Township, and is located on a small knoll behind the Michigan Department of Conservation building off M-134 at the south end of DeTour Village.
The earliest burial marker on record for Bob Hill Cemetery is Mrs. Robert Hill, August 1859 - February 1, 1919. With rare exceptions, burials have not taken place at Bob Hill since 1991.
This graveyard in maintained by DeTour Village.
Cemetery Records
Sacred Heart Catholic (SHC) Cemetery is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Marquette, and is one of five small cemeteries in DeTour Township. This cemetary dates back to the first Catholic Church in DeTour which was located on the North Rd going out of town. Fr. Bateski, whom was at Sacred Heart Catholic Church for 56 years, built the current church and hall (now the Eastern Upper Peninsula Fine Arts Council (EUPFAC) building), and established the cemetary, circa 1872. The oldest recorded headstone is of William Brown, stating death of June 15, 1872, aged 72 years, 10 months, 11 days. The last recorded burial is of Robert S. McDonald, 07-25-1884 to 03-17-1965.
SHC has a cemetery committee that is responsible for overall maintenance.
Lytle Cemetery is located in the northwest corner of DeTour Township, about 2 miles south of Goetzville and a little east of M-48 on Wojnarowski Road.
The earliest burial marker on record for Lytle Cemetery is James Stevenson, aged nine years, three month, and five days. The last marker recorded is that of Margaret Hoffman, 1890-1971.
DeTour Passage Historical Museum
104 Elizabeth Street
DeTour Village MI 49725
Catholic Cemetery
DeTour Village Hall
260 Superior Street
P.O. Box 397
DeTour Village MI 49725
Open: Monday - Friday from 8am to 4pm
Where Year-Round Outdoor Recreation Is at a Premium ...
Lytle Cemetery
Sacred Heart
Inquires on Maple Grove Cemetery can be made to DeTour Village Hall:
Bob Hill Cemetery
DeTour Passage Historical Museum holds cemetery records for Bob Hill, Lytle, Scared Heart, and Riverside Cemeteries: